Experimental build: More vore improvements (and a control list)

I spent all of the previous week (so, not this week) working on some new editor tooling…and that spilled over into this week. But I’ve still got a few juicy things to share (:

Expect a public build next week.

Cock vore improvements

I’ve upgraded the entity shader to support ellipsoidal bulges, not just spherical ones. These are very useful for cock vore!

I also made some other improvements to CV – there’s less of a visible jump as the prey enters the balls, for example.

Other improvements

You can no longer look at your own neck in first person – your body starts to turn once you turn your head more than 90 degrees!

I tweaked the stomach internals again. The stomach visibly convulses now!

Other stuff

  • The game has a controls list again! It’ll show you the bindings for each action (and it updates if you switch from controller to keyboard, or vice-versa).
    • The “UI” list doesn’t render properly. I’m going to hide that one.
  • The new editor tooling made it easier for me to export per-vertex data from Blender to Unity. For example, Fen’s cock has three attributes:
    • Pose Space, used for effects like the latex wobbling that need to know where Fen’s body was before it got posed by Unity
    • Fade, used to hide parts of the head when in first person
    • Throb Direction, used for the throbbing effect.
  • I used to have to do some really fiddly stuff to get that data into Unity. Now it’s just a few clicks.
    • I’ll make a proper blog post about that system once it’s ready for release (it’ll be public!)

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Update: This build is unplayable. For me at least: Playing as Prey Griphon, your view is stuck in your throat and you cannot move it out.

(1 edit)

Hit R to change perspective. That’ll get you unstuck at least – assuming that the issue is that you’re seeing the inside of the gryphon’s head

Yep, that fixed it. Thank you! ^^


Feedback 2: Althou the R key negates that, its the default position after every respawn. Should not be like that.
When you get swallowed 1st person, the camera in both throat and intestines is fitting to the side and slightly out of bounds into black voids.

Last but not least: When AV is enabled, Fen-AI wont CV you. 

Oh right, I just remembered that I need to fix the throat. Whoops. I’ll do that today.

And I just figured out why your view is messed up! The game doesn’t correctly hide your head if you start out possessing an entity. I’ll correct that too.
