Experimental build: a bunch of miscellaneous improvements

Today’s update isn’t that large – I’ve just been poking at a bunch of small things:

  • Head look is more accurate now. It used to be off by a single frame (and also didn’t happen at all while you were being grabbed, ever)
  • There’s a new endo option in the Mutators section
  • Fen has normal eyes. Jumpscare.
    • The hypno eyes will be returning alongside actual hypnosis
  • Fen now properly goes after the closest prey, rather than doing so near-randomly
    • I forgot to make walking further cost more. Oops.
  • I’m experimenting with making Fen play with its food. Fen now prefers eating scared prey, and prey get scared by being grabbed or being near Fen.
    • It doesn’t really work yet. Prey gets scared way too fast!
    • If you turn off all kinds of vore, Fen will wave you around, though
      • This also shows off the improved head look behavior.
  • I made the pips you see in the settings menu prettier. The active pip grows and rotates!
  • My hearing code was completely wrong: Fen heard you better before you got its attention. It’s now constant.
    • I am planning a rewrite of the hearing system. Ambient noise will affect how loud you can get before Fen hears you. That will be coming next week!
  • All characters should finally have proper fade data, so you won’t see your own eyeballs in first-person mode.
  • I accidentally left the oral vore animation on half speed. A bunch of people were asking for slower vore, so…tada!
    • I’ll be recording new animations that allow for more drawn-out swallowing.

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Can't wait for hypnosis to come back hehe :3


Heck yeah for endo!

Thanks for all the hard work put into this!


Oh wow! a slow swallowing is so enjoyable, good job! We need a slow cock-vore asap!